
About the company

“AVAD Baltic” UAB is an Apple Authorized Distributor and is responsible for the consistent growth of the “Apple” brand in the Baltic States as well as the development of the Apple Authorised Reseller and Service Provider network.

The team of AVAD Baltic actively participates in the adaptation and implementation of Apple technologies by helping to raise the qualifications of business and education sector specialists, along with training and consulting professionals on how to use state-of-the-art Apple technologies.

Established in 2007, “AVAD Baltic” UAB is one of the companies in the Lithuanian-capital ACME Grupė. More information is available at www.acmegrupe.lt.

Our priority is to be a responsible business.

The Acme Grupė Code of Conduct provides guidelines to help put Acme Grupė values into practice and to ensure compliance with Acme Grupė internal rules and the highest standards of business ethics.

This enables us to develop long-term relationships with our customers and partners, to ensure the quality of our products and services, and to promote the best in our people. For more information on the Code of Conduct, please download the attached document.

We strive not only to comply with the minimum legal requirements, our priority is to be responsible business. By ensuring that all Acmė Grupė companies adhere to the values and general principles of the Acmė Grupė we want to be the first to notice and be informed of possible breaches of the law by our employees in the course of their business activities in Lithuania or abroad.

Please report any such observations to compliance@acme.lt. We assure you that your reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.